So who are these people called FinancialPlus?
Well, we’re Kathy and Bruce Rogers. When it comes to loans, we’re your FinancialPlus! We’re a husband and wife team with heaps of experience and a great focus on our business of getting you a great loan.
So Bruce, how about saying a few kind words about Kathy.
Bruce on Kathy’s background
Kathy is just the perfect person to be a finance broker because she came from the other side – she was a loans manager for a big bank where she worked for 17 years! So it’s a bit like a player from your biggest rival sports team coming to play for you and bringing all their secrets with them! We’ve got a lot of inside information that makes a huge difference to what we can do for you as our client.
Kathy on Bruce’s role
Bruce is great with the paperwork. That’s why we’ve become so good at what we do. We have very clear roles and areas of expertise. I’m the talker, listener, client and bank liaison specialist. Bruce is the analysis specialist. That’s the perfect combination to get great loans.
Bruce on Kathy’s role
Kathy meets people, that’s what she’s good at – talking to them, understanding their needs. Her primary role is keeping in touch with clients and lenders. I do all the backroom stuff.
Bruce on processes
We’re very detailed up front. We take a lot of time to make sure we completely understand the client’s position and what they hope to achieve before we go looking for an acceptable lending solution. If we don’t get everything absolutely right, it can let the client down, so we are almost compulsively meticulous.
Kathy on comparing lenders
We’ve got great software that allows us to do detailed lender comparisons based on their suitability for a particular client. We can compare all our lenders and their products. We can see all the fees and charges and the interest that’s paid over the life of the loan. We then look for the lender with the lowest fees and charges and then ask “Would this person be eligible for this loan? And, will it meet the requirements of this person?” We put in the time and effort because it’s worth it in the end, when we can say to a client “Great news, you got the loan!”
Kathy on business growth
The entire growth of FinancialPlus has been through referrals. From the very beginning we were all about making clients happy and keeping them happy. We decided to be different and really work hard for people. All referrals from happy clients. It doesn’t get any better than that and we like to think it says something about the way we work.
A few more facts about Kathy
Kathy Rogers is a Finance Specialist with an endearing personal touch. She revels in the client and bank contact side of the business and has a real eye for a lending fight. Kathy brings over 30 years of invaluable experience in the finance industry; a real FinancialPlus for you as she knows how bankers think. She holds both the Certificate 4 and Diploma of Finance (Mortgage Broking) and is a credit representative (Credit Representative Number 399643) of BLSSA Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 391237).
A few more facts about Bruce
Bruce is the Business Manager and FinancialPlus engine. He’s responsible for the day to day operations as well as the marketing, systems and planning for the business. He brings you over 25 highly successful years of finance industry experience. Bruce’s superman skills in administration and management keep FinancialPlus steaming along on the straight and narrow while Kathy is out being super friendly in the field.